Forming Good Shopping Habits.

Clothing has become disposable. As a result, we generate more and more textile waste, making the fashion industry one of the worst polluters globally. I want to do my part to change this.
The slow fashion movement encourages people to think about their shopping habits and how their choices affect others and the planet. It encourages the consumer to buy fewer clothes that are of higher quality and made to last instead of being disposed of after a few uses.
Of course, continuing to purchase new clothes will not change your life in any real way, but if we all start switching to slow fashion, the world will truly benefit.
At Untamed, we don't design clothes for a specific season or event; we create clothes that fit your lifestyle and can be worn all year round.
Moving online has meant that we only make-to-order, so yes, your design takes a little longer to get to you, but at least we never have leftover stock that goes into a landfill. Any stock we do have, we sell at shows and markets. Just think: over 80% of all clothes purchased end up in a landfill.
I have also been doing a lot of research into the type of fabric I use and where I get it from. I use this amazing company called Kendor Textiles in Vancouver, and I love their passion for doing everything they can to help the environment. You can read more about their commitment here
I now buy most of my fabric from Kendor and have switched to Tencel —Learn More
Have you heard of tencel?
Lyocell is a rayon manufacturing process made in a closed-loop system that recycles almost all the chemicals. Tencel is a brand name made from eucalyptus from PEFC-certified forests. Eucalyptus trees grow quickly without pesticides, fertilizers, or irrigation and are 100% biodegradable.
I am super excited about Untamed's direction. We are committed to incorporating more environmentally conscious ways to operate our day-to-day business as we grow.
We love this beautiful planet and want to continually produce cool, functional ethical pieces that are fabulous for you and the environment.
At the moment, I am working hard to find ways to use up the scrap pieces of fabric and thinking of things I can make with them. Maybe some funky Untamed cushions are in the cards. I am excited to see what I can develop, so watch this space.
Remember, I am not saying don’t go shopping because shopping is fun. All I want is for you to think about your shopping habits. Think about why that top is that price and how your decision will affect other people and the planet.
Be kind to yourself, others and the planet. Thanks for reading, and have a good day.
Learn about the different Untamed Collections.