Untamed: Modelling, I get to keep dry!

In my last blog, I was waffling about how much I love photography, that I want to get better at it and how horrid the world is regarding women’s body image. I remember one of my models telling me how they went for an interview and got told she needed to lose two cms from her hips. Yes, this was in 2019.
She was hot and healthy and looked great, but this affected her confidence as you can imagine. It just makes me mad that people are still striving for an unhealthy image of beauty. Let’s have fun. Have fun working out, have fun eating healthy and being outside with those weirdos we love.
Life is too short, so I say make the most of what you have and learn to love it!
My hometown Shoots
Photoshoots are such an essential part of my business, and through my designs and photos, I hope that people will see that confidence and a healthy body are sexy.
I love doing photoshoots in my hometown, Fernie, B.C because it is so beautiful. It is hard not to take a fantastic picture with its perfect mountain range and lush green forest as a backdrop.
I am also lucky enough to have such beautiful friends who don’t mind getting half-naked in the streets in any weather. Plus they all look amazing in my designs and love playing dress up for the day.
I did a great photoshoot in the summer with three beautiful ladies. We had so much fun walking around town finding all the fun graffiti walls and beautiful mountain backdrops, doing stripteases behind trees and hiding in a car while it decided to rain for 5 minutes. Typical Fernie (or Canada) weather, you never know what it will do just be prepared.
Covid has made it more challenging, but we have had lots of fun this year, keeping them outside even though it has been a bit chilly and wet at times. But as I said in the title I dress appropriately, keep my clothes on and stay warm and dry haha.
My friends are also all very easy, it just takes a boozy tea, and a cookie and they are happy and dancing for the camera. Check out the inspirational gallery page on my website to see some of my ladies at work.
Its a lot of work
Photoshoots are so much fun, but they are a lot of work, the planning, the actual shoot and then the many hours sitting in front of the computer.
I can spend a ridiculous amount of hours editing, tweaking and cropping until my eyes go crazy or my boyfriend shouts eat some food. I have trouble stopping if I am honest, I could edit and play with photos for days.
I feel so lucky that I love what I do, well apart from accounting that sucks and I hope you guys are on track to love the path you are on.
Be Kind, stay healthy and have fun.
Have you seen the new prints for the Ego back panels? Shop Now