Untamed: New design- Part 1.

Lets designing something fun!
So, like most of you, 2020 was a roller coaster, but all things considered, I am pretty happy with how I managed to stay focused on growing the business and flexibility to adjust to constant changes and unknown.
December 23rd came around, and it was the last day of our holiday pop up shop in Cranbrook, and It was a mixed emotion kind of day. I was so ready for some time off, but it had been such a fantastic experience that I also didn’t want it to be over. The group of talented ladies were incredible, and the local support was outstanding. I want to do another one so much. Spring maybe?
I had been at the store every day we were open for the past five weeks and making new stock the days I was home, and so I was excited to start some Emma time. I had a list of things I wanted to do like snowboard, eat my boyfriend’s fresh bread and go on walks with brandy in my tea. I am a simple girl.
The plan was to take five days off, but I got quite into it and ended up being very lazy for two weeks, and it was great. Well, I say off, it’s never really off when you run a business, but it was chilled, and it was just what I needed.
I haven’t taken a solid about time off in a long time, so I tried hard not to feel guilty and enjoy it. I think this is a constant struggle for most people who own their own business, but I am working on it!
After two weeks, I was ready to get back working, and so I set out making a plan (well, an open plan because we all learned this year that anything could change). One of the things on my todo list was to bring out a new design, and I was very excited to get started.
What to design?
I asked myself, what do I want to wear? I did well at designing what I wanted for my last two collections, so let’s try again, haha. I have so many ideas of what I want to make, but I can’t just make what looks pretty; I have to construct it at a reasonable time, it has to work with the fabric, look fantastic on a variety of body frames, and I have to keep the costs low. Easy right?
The great thing about me selling most of my designs at festivals and shows is that I get to see most of my beautiful customers try on my designs and listen to their feedback. I thought about designing something completely different, but one of the most popular things I hear is, “Yay, finally something that is long that I can wear over tights”.
So why change a good thing, plus I love wearing long tops and dresses, and it’s all about me, right? Haha
My favourite things about the two collections that I offer now are how great they look on various body frames and how versatile they are. I think this is what my customers love as well; they want something that is long, comfortable, flattering and makes them feel great, so I hope to achieve this in my new design.
Its been fun, it’s been stressful, but … watch this space, its exciting times at Untamed! More information coming about the new design in my next blog.
But for now head over and checkout the New Prints for the Ego Collection.