Guest Blogger: Hayley Wilson

I don’t want to get any older. Can we please rewind life by about five or better yet ten years?
A little negative. I know. But 45 is a weird age. I feel like I’m in limbo. I’m losing my youthful body, but I haven’t accepted that I’m ageing.
My face is drooping. My skin is dry. I’m starting to see grey hair. My butt doesn’t have the same “oomph”. My boobs aren’t as perky. And I don’t feel as hot as I did 10 years ago.
When I look at old photos… I want THAT body. I want THAT face. Not this one. I’m not ready.
Getting old sucks! You feelin’ me?
Menopause is right around the corner and it scares me. Hot flashes, mood swings, insomnia, and weight gain. Yup. I stand by my statement. Ageing sucks.
Listen up.
Yes, you’re only 45, but perimenopause is in full swing whether you feel it or not. Your hormones are changing.
I’ve spent the last three years learning about menopause. Here's just a sample of what's happening RIGHT NOW.
Estrogen’s all over the place, insulin resistance is on the rise, and you can’t get away with eating bread and sugar like you used to.
Progesterone’s tanking and you’re cranking out the fat-storing hormone cortisol (stress much?) like nobody’s business.
Ghrelin (the hunger hormone) is on the rise and you’re eating more than you need to.
You’re losing muscle mass and you’re not burning as many calories as when you were 20.
It’s basically the perfect storm for weight gain, insomnia, depression, and mood swings.
So now what?
I have some good news.
While you can’t stop time, you have some control over HOW you age.
The way I see it, you’ve gotta get a handle on nutrition, stress, sleep, exercise, and environmental toxins.
Here are eight things you can do right now to age like fine wine...
- Avoid inflammatory foods (sugar, refined carbs, vegetable & seed oils are the main culprits).
- Manage your stress levels.
- Make sleep a priority.
- Lift heavy weights.
- Eat REAL food.
- Clean up your cleaning products and cosmetics.
- Eat fewer carbs and more fat.
- Start intermittent fasting.
The choice is yours. You can accept that ageing is inevitable and let it happen. Or you can do something about it. If you wanna do something about it, come check me out.
Hayley xoxo